Installation of Eclipse IDE
Hi guys, This is Mayank Agarwal,
In the previous tutorial we have seen how to install Java on your system, in this tutorial we are going to see how to install Eclipse(IDE) and create our first project then we will see how to variable in Java programming language and learn how to print text or data value on screen.
Let’s begin this tutorial open your browser and search for Eclipse ide.
Click on the first link ( , select Eclipse IDE for java developers.
Select the type of your operating system mine is Window 64-bit and download eclipse.
Install it.
After installation click on the "File" and select "New" > "Java Project" you will see their will a new screen as shown below
Give a project name and press next leave remain as it is. You will see a screen as shown below .
Just click on finish. Now look at the upper left part of the screen there you will find something called package explorer which contain your project. Click on it and you'll find some folders named src, JRE System Library.
Right click on "src">"New">"Class".
Just give class a name and look down you'll find some check box. Check the box stating "public static void main(String[] args)" and then click on finish now we are ready to start coding.
There are few things we should know before start coding, the first thing is Variable – Variables are like container which will hold some data value for you it can either be an integer, float, character etc. Now to declare a variable in Java you need to assign it a Datatype. A datatype is something which gives a variable an ability to store a data of particular type. To declare a variable, write its Datatype followed by variable name and then a semicolon. Few examples are shown in the picture below.
We’ll use a lot of different type of variables in the upcoming tutorials. But just for knowledge here are some of most used types of variables.
1. int (number, 4 bytes)
2. long (number, 8 bytes)
3. float (floating number, 4 bytes)
4. double (floating number, 8 bytes)
5. char (a character, 2 bytes)
6. String (takes a string)
7. boolean (true of false, 1 byte) etc.
There are some rules in giving the variables name
1. It must not start a number.
2. It should not have any special character in it.
To print the value of variable in Java we’ll use “System.out.println(variable_name);”
here println as the name suggest will print the value but in a single line.
We’ll see how to take inputs from the user in Java programming language and some math operation next tutorial