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Learn Android App Dev: Introduction

Hey Guys! This is Amey Lokhande. And this is the first post on Android App Dev Introduction. I am not going to give you the basic or brief introduction of android as most of us have basic idea of what Android is, as nowadays it is one of the best Operating System which is used. So without further discussion lets begin!

Basic requirements and knowledge one must have to develop Android Apps:

1. The first thing you need is you must have Android Studio installed on your Laptop according to your Operating System (Linux or Windows). You can get it from the official website. (

Its size is approximately around 1.65gb. After you download it you can get the proper installation steps on Android Studio's Official website

2. Also you need to have JDK (Java Development Kit). You need to download it according to your OS. You can download it from the link given below.

3. Apart from these one must have a basic knowledge of Java. Without knowing Java one cannot think of developing Android App.

4. Also one must know XML coding. Its mainly required for designing the layout of your android app. But Android Studio provides basic options (such as dragging and dropping the various things) for designing the Layout of your Android App.

Okay so this is it guys. These are all the basic requirements one must fulfill to start developing apps on Android Studio. And this is all about the Introduction. Soon I will be posting on how to develop your First Android App. Its a very easy task. So no need to worry. Stay tuned for further updates.

Thank you!

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